Experimental Clock


My experimental clock is time in a form of speed, and the representation of speed is illustrated in shape of a wheel. The idea was developed based on the theory of time dilation. Time dilation theory states that the object with velocity has a relative slower time compared with the object in state of static under the same observer. Thus, the alternative way for me to track time is converted time to speed zones. For instance, under the same coordinates system, the object with larger acceleration would be in a relative slower time zone, and vice versa. The design sketch I illustrated above has three different speed zones. As the acceleration increasing, the surrounding would be in relatively slow motion and the current time indicated at the top would also be slower. Then the alternative way to keep time would be:

The class will meet in speed zone 3.

I always have breakfast in speed zone 2.

Do not decelerate to speed zone 1 until the class is finished.

My initial ideas besides time dilation are following:

1. On a bigger time scale of the earth
The idea of we see the same seascape as our ancestor is because we as human beings are so minimal. We are not to track time in a bigger scale of the universe. From the origin of universe and galaxy, there is no seascape, but as we are so minimal, we believe seascape is constant. The destiny of human beings is in a sense of randomness.

If (everything runs perfect) {
 (human survive)
} else {
 (human extinct)

2. Tree growth ring

Every 12 hours or 12 circles will generate a small tree, if the hour equals 24, then the small tree become a bigger tree. And this process accumulate with weeks, months, years, ten years… small trees merge together becoming bigger trees.

If (hour() = 12){
 Small tree appear }
else if (hour() = 24) {
 Bigger tree appear

During the lab discussion talking about all three ideas, I realized that the idea of bigger time scale is too vague. I am actually not ready and capable to handle such abstract thoughts. And I simply feel the idea of tree growth ring is less interesting. Time dilation was the last idea I presented. The reason why I finally decided is not only the theory itself is clean but it is more directly associated with the tracking of time.

In assignment 2, I coincidently chose clock as the form generator. Each clock generated with different parameters formed a independent time system, while in assignment 3 there is only one system or observer corresponding to different time / speed zones. During the process of designing this assignment, I not only learned about time zones created by speed in physics but the pace in life as well. We are all under the same system / observer (the Earth). Some people speed up in everything to accomplish as many achievements as possible since they believe a more experienced life could consider as a relatively longer life, or in a sense of slower time. In contrary, some people are in the relative state of static, or in other words, their own absolute speed zone. With the same standardized time, how could we build our alternative clock corresponding to our own speed zone?