Exquisite Corpse
My partner is Jingwen Zhang and Jay Tobin.
TThe character I chose to make sketch is from one of Nintendo switch avatar which I found really cute. The avatar is a robot composed with paper boxes and a base. The paper texture gives me a environment of relax and emotions rather than other steel robots that seems like ruthless. The sketch I received from Jay is a jellyfish that was drawn by hand. The jellyfish is in a strange shape and Jay said the shape is from his sparkle inspirations. The other sketch I received from Jingwen is a character from a Japanese animation called Laputa Castle in the Sky, and the charater is an ironic robot.
I took the head of jellyfish and lower body of the ironic robot. I simply feel like the geometric shape of jellyfish head add a personality to my initial robot. Instead of being cute and helpful all the time, the jellyfish head demonstrate its attitude. The leg from the ironic robot give my paper robot a powerful mobility as my paper robot can be moved.
After the combination of different body parts, the vibe of my initial robot is completed changed. The initial robot transformed from a friendly and cute paper texture robot into a mobile robot with own attitude. I really enjoy the process when manipulate different part of body from different sketches and compose surprising outcomes.